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Board of Health Minutes 12/1/08

Date:  December 1, 2008
Present:  John Makuc, Stephen Enoch and Peter Kolodziej
Also Present: Scott Jenssen of Bottomline Builders (representative for the owners of 155 Main Rd) and Mike Parsons of Kelly, Granger and Parsons (Engineer for the owners of 155 Main Rd)

The meeting began at 3:30pm

1.  The minutes from 11/17/08 were approved as written.
2.  Mail was reviewed.
3.  Scott Jenssen came in to discuss the property located at 155 Main Rd.  There is an existing septic system for a 4 bedroom home (the home currently has 3 bedrooms).  There was a 2nd Title V done in October (the report has not been received at the Town Hall yet).  There are 2 clean drywells on the property.  The owners want to add an addition bringing the bedroom total to 5.  The owners would like to use the existing system even though it falls 82 gallons per day short from the new code, if there proves to be any problems then Kelly, Granger and Parsons would design an upgraded system to be installed.  It was suggested rather than have a “proposed plan” to fix a septic problem that doesn’t yet exist that a condition be placed that a Title V inspection be performed every 2 years and then should the system fail in the future a plan can be designed based on the current technologies and the needs of the property.  The Board required that a copy of the Title V report be on file from Mt. Everett Landscaping and that an as-built be submitted once the new lines are added for the addition.  Additional test pits and percs would need to be done to confirm that it can accommodate a 5 bedroom system.
4.  The Board discussed the email received from New England Keswick regarding running “camps/retreats” beyond the summer camp dates allowed in our bylaws.  They feel that they are grandfathered but P. Kolodziej noted that the reason camps have to apply (and apply separately for each camp they are operating) is do to the nature of activities changing, the staff and attendees changing and regulations that apply differently to each situation.  The Board is going to send a letter to the owners inviting them to a future meeting to discuss their plans.  It was suggested that the Select Board and Building Inspector also be present.
5.  The Board of Health contact information was updated for the Berkshire County Board of Health Association.
6.  P. Kolodziej informed the Board that Town Counsel is drafting a letter to be sent to Kutsher’s Sports Academy regarding the fine imposed upon them by the Board of Health.
7.  M. Noe informed the Board of Bilmar Veterinary’s attempts to be paid by the ACO for dogs housed since August with no success, a copy of the bill was sent to the Town Clerk’s office which passed it along to the Select Board office which instructed the Accountant to pay it.
8.  The minutes from 11/17/08 were approved as written.

The meeting adjourned at 4:40pm

Submitted by
Melissa Noe
Inter-Departmental Secretary